• Question: Do you ever have a plan for a day at work?

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      Asked by littleg to Chia-Yu, Helen, Matthew, Matt H, Rhod on 20 Jun 2013.
      • Photo: Chia-Yu Lin

        Chia-Yu Lin answered on 20 Jun 2013:

        Yes. I check the “to do” things for the next day and schedule them according the priority. Sometimes there are some unexpected and urgent things you need to deal with, and if you don’t have plan at least one day before, you can not know what has higher priority.

      • Photo: Matt Carnie

        Matt Carnie answered on 20 Jun 2013:

        Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I’m very disorganised and most days I can’t remember what I’m supposed to be doing until I walk into the lab and I’m reminded by something. I don’t recommend this way of doing things but I seem to get by. I wish I was more organised!

      • Photo: Helen Pritchard-Smith

        Helen Pritchard-Smith answered on 25 Jun 2013:

        If i have a lot to do i write to do lists, these tend to grow throughout the day and i will write a new one at the end of the day so i can come into work the following day and get straight into the lab without wondering what i am meant to be doing next. There are a lot of pieces of equipment (autoclaves and glove boxes- see picture on my page) that i have to book in advance so i try to get in early and choose a time to have prepared my reaction for so i can get it started asap as some of my reactions take 6 hours other 15 hours.

        Some people think life happens when you are planning, so it is a waste of time. What do you think?
