• Question: If a black hole generated inside the earth would we be able to survive?

    Asked by tititanium48 to Chia-Yu, Helen, Matthew, Matt H, Rhod on 15 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Matt Carnie

      Matt Carnie answered on 15 Jun 2013:

      Micro black holes created in the large hadron collider at CERN would almost certainly not be a threat to Earth as they would not have enough mass. They would probably just disintegrate.

    • Photo: Chia-Yu Lin

      Chia-Yu Lin answered on 16 Jun 2013:

      Our technology developed so far can not create black hole, which is big enough threaten us. Therefore, we do not worry about this at this moment.

    • Photo: Rhodri Jenkins

      Rhodri Jenkins answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      If you’re considering things a bit more generally (rather than those being made at CERN) and asking whether if a black hole randomly generated itself inside the Earth would we be able to survive … the answer is (unfortunately) … no.

      A black hole has such a high mass that light cannot escape it’s ridiculous gravitational pull and as you get closer to it the laws of physics no longer apply.

      The GOOD news , however, is that this is very very unlikely to happen. A proper black hole is generated from a star collapsing in on itself. And our Sun’s gonna stay as it is for a good few billion years yet 😀

    • Photo: Matthew Hudson

      Matthew Hudson answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      IF a big black hole did generate, I don’t think we would have much chance, but everything would disappear so quickly we wouldn’t really know what was happening anyway!

      But I think we are pretty safe from that happening luckily 🙂
