• Question: if you won the lottery how would you spend your money

    Asked by luciemorren11 to Rhod, Matt H, Matthew, Helen, Chia-Yu on 14 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Chia-Yu Lin

      Chia-Yu Lin answered on 14 Jun 2013:

      It depends on the amount of money I win. If it is a lot, I will donate 50% of them, and the other 50% for the personal use, probably travel the world.

    • Photo: Matthew Hudson

      Matthew Hudson answered on 15 Jun 2013:

      I would use the money to buy a house and to go travelling around the world! I would spend some time work for conservation charities counting fish on coral reefs.

    • Photo: Matt Carnie

      Matt Carnie answered on 15 Jun 2013:

      I would buy my dream house them travel the World’s best surf spots. I would set up some charities and invest in or start up my own solar energy company.

    • Photo: Rhodri Jenkins

      Rhodri Jenkins answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      This is a conversation I sometimes have with my friends. I like to think I’d finish my PhD … and then travel the world for a bit. I’ve spent all this time learning about science, learning about the problems the world has and how science can solve them … and not much time talking to the people whose lives are effected by these problems. Then I’d come back, and see what I could do to solve those problems.

      I’d also buy some classic cars. And a boat. And a house on the water so I’d have somewhere to keep my boat.

    • Photo: Helen Pritchard-Smith

      Helen Pritchard-Smith answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I would finish my PhD then pay for my then husband and i to travel around south east asia for 6 months then cycle both coasts of america (we are already doing this next year but i would do it in a more luxurious way).

      I would pay for my cousins to go to university/ the best schools. Buy my grandparents a home and wipe out any debt my family had. Buy a beautiful big house in Tuscany and another in Croatia near the sea that friends and family could use, buy a big boat and learn to sail.

      I would probably still want to teach chemistry, so i would go and set up some science academies in africa (particularly kenya where i worked for a summer) and teach there for a few years.

      What do you think should be done with lottery wins? Should half go to charity if it is above a certain figure?
