• Question: Is it true that fridges in the US consume the same amount of energy as 25 large power plants produce every year?

    Asked by volcaniceruption17 to Chia-Yu, Helen, Matthew, Matt H, Rhod on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Matt Carnie

      Matt Carnie answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      I heard this too the other day. The population of the USA is 300’000’000. That’s a lot of fridges! It wouldn’t surprise me if it were true. Fridges require a lot of energy and are on all day every day.

    • Photo: Matthew Hudson

      Matthew Hudson answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      I heard this also. Fridges do use a lot of power just to keep our food and drinks cold. Unfortunately with so many people on the world we need a lot of power just to run items like this! This is why we should try to save electricity whenever we can.

    • Photo: Rhodri Jenkins

      Rhodri Jenkins answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      You know what, I have no idea. But … the controlling of temperature is one of our major energy uses as it takes a lot of energy. Heating and cooling things are very expensive … so I wouldn’t be surprised.
