• Question: so matt can you tell me some interesting things about the chemestry in a plane because i have actually started my private flying lisence and could use some good info on the chemestry in planes please ?

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      Asked by ethandavies to Matt H on 17 Jun 2013.
      • Photo: Matthew Hudson

        Matthew Hudson answered on 17 Jun 2013:

        Hey, that’s great news, being a pilot is cool!

        You are probably learning in a small Cesna aircraft of similar yes? Well, these air craft run on ‘Avgas’ which is actually a very old fuel that still contains ‘Lead’. This metal is put into the fuel as what we call and ‘anti-knock’ agent and it helps the engine to run smoother.

        Modern car engines no longer required this special chemistry to help them run, but aircraft do. This means that we have special requirements on the engine oil, as it has to be able to handle this much lead in the engine and fuel. That’s why you should never you car engine oil in your plane, or aviation engine oil in a car!
