• Question: Were do get your ideas from?

    Asked by cheeseyfirebear to Chia-Yu, Helen, Matthew, Matt H, Rhod on 24 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Helen Pritchard-Smith

      Helen Pritchard-Smith answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      I spend a lot of time with my chemistry so you get bogged down in the work. I tend to get ideas when talking about my work with someone else (not necessarily a scientist) can help me see a way through a problem, my research group often give me suggestions when i present my work to them or from reading academic papers in my area and being inspired by other research.

    • Photo: Matt Carnie

      Matt Carnie answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      Scientists read lots of papers written by other scientists in their field. We also get to travel all over the world to conferences where we discuss our ideas with other scientists but as Helen said, sometimes a good idea can come from talking to colleagues outside of your field and who might think about something in a different way to you.

      Ideas can come from anywhere. Sometimes they come to me in my sleep!
