• Question: What do u think is the most useful energy out of chemical and eletrical. Why? Explain your anwser

    Asked by squeak13 to Chia-Yu, Helen, Matthew, Matt H, Rhod on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Matt Carnie

      Matt Carnie answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Well the most useful energy for humans must be chemical energy because without the energy stored in the molecules in food we wouldn’t be able to live.

      In terms of energy for us to use to make things and to go places then both are equally important because chemical energy can easily be converted to electrical energy and vice versa. And what is the technology that can do this? Batteries!

    • Photo: Chia-Yu Lin

      Chia-Yu Lin answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      The ideal energy source should be renewable, clean, can can be used upon demand. Energy is interconvertable, like heat to electricity, but they key is not to generated harmful gas molecules, such as CO2. I think the useful energy source could be hydrogen, as when it is burned, only water is produced.
