• Question: What is being a scientist like?

    Asked by tangypuff1 to Chia-Yu, Helen, Matthew, Matt H, Rhod on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Matthew Hudson

      Matthew Hudson answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      It’s great fun and very rewarding!

      You get to test out new experiments all the time and discover things that no one else has done before 🙂

      Do you like science in school?

    • Photo: Rhodri Jenkins

      Rhodri Jenkins answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Being a scientist is exciting … because you’re working on answers to questions that people haven’t answered yet. So, when you figure something out, when you get a certain piece of data, or when you obtain evidence for something … you are the first person *in human history* to know the answer to the question. Then you get to tell everyone and be proper chuffed with yourself that you figured it out.

      However to get to that point there’s a lot of false starts, a lot of walls to jump over. Though it can be rewarding, it can be disheartening at times when nothing seems to work. It takes a lot of dedication.

    • Photo: Helen Pritchard-Smith

      Helen Pritchard-Smith answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      It is challenging but mainly in good ways, i think about science a lot of the time. I like it so much i spend spare time teaching it. It is a good mix of practical and theoretical. Writing reports is less fun but it helps you see and appreciate what you have done and where you want to go next.

      Talking to non-scientists about your work is great, i like getting people who think science is boring accidentally excited about something they would normally consider too geeky for their tastes. Have you spoken to your family about science recently? If so what?

    • Photo: Chia-Yu Lin

      Chia-Yu Lin answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Being puzzled and solving the puzzles.
